The first workshop of the European Energy Research Alliance CO2 Capture and Storage Joint Programme (EERA CCS-JP) took place at the University of Edinburgh on the 29th of June 2011 hosted by Prof. Stefano Brandani. The EERA CCS-JP aims to further intensify the cooperation of R&D organisations that are already active in CCS. Its objectives are to ensure that R&D challenges are recognized, translated in R&D programs, and met through the joint execution of projects by the members.
The workshop focused on low temperature adsorbents for post-combustion capture. Ten participants from seven different European Institutions attended (RSE, SINTEF, ETH Zurich, IFPEN, ECN, The University of Edinburgh, and The University of Nottingham). The purpose of the workshop was to share the current activities and capacities in the field of adsorbents for post-combustion capture in order to develop future collaboration at a European level. The participants will meet again in October to develop the collaboration further.