Dr Hyungwoong Ahn has been awarded funding from the EPSRC in the First Grant Scheme for a project on "Carbon Capture in the Refining Process". This is the first proposal awarded by the EPSRC that looks at non-power plants.
In the refinery, CO2 comes from two different sources - firstly by fuel combustion in the CHP boiler (around 35% of total CO2 emissions) and from the process heater/furnace (around 45%), and secondly from the H2 plant (around 20%). In the case of CO2 emissions by fuel combustion, accounting for around 80% of total emissions, the sources are widely distributed throughout the complex and their flue gas has a relatively low CO2 fraction (4-15%). Therefore, deploying and operating carbon capture units to these sources results in significant capital investment and running cost as well as operational difficulty. Unlike fuel combustion, the CO2emissions from the H2 plant are characterised by a single source having highly concentrated CO2 (50-60%), which implies that it would be economically more feasible to capture CO2 from the H2 plant than from the other sources in the refinery. Moreover, it is likely that the H2 demand in the refinery will increase rapidly with a change in crude oil slate from 'Sweet and Light' to 'Sour and Heavy'. As a result, the CO2 emission at H2 plants will become more and more significant in terms of abatement of carbon emission in the refinery.
The research aim of the project is to develop a Vacuum Swing Adsorption(VSA) process to capture CO2 from a SMR-H2 plant in the refining process. For post-combustion capture, the amine process is, to date, closest to commercialisation and ready to be deployed, but a cyclic adsorption process can be more energy-efficient than the amine process in this particular case due to the higher CO2 fraction in the feed. The research will focus on finding an optimal configuration for a CO2 VSA process using a commercially available adsorbent. The target is to achieve 90+% CO2 recovery with 95+% purity from the H2 PSA off-gas. A lab-scale multi-column VSA rig will be constructed in the adsorption labs at Edinburgh to demonstrate that the target is achievable with a well-designed cyclic adsorption process. The design and optimisation of the VSA process will be facilitated by a proper simulation work integrated with an optimiser. An overall process design of an example H2 plant integrated with the VSA process will be implemented for the purpose of optimising its steam network.