1. Zero Length Column (ZLC)
- Small amount of sample required
- Rapid ranking of materials by capacity
- Determination of equilibrium isotherms
- Measurements of kinetics including very slow kinetics
Parameter estimation from desorption curves
- Simulate the ZLC system with adsorption simulator: valves, ZLC and detector
- Apply an optimisation routine to minimise the least-square error between the experimental data and the simulation
- First, fit the blank, then fit multiple experiments at once
- Investigate different equilibrium and mass transfer models
2. Dual-Piston PSA system (DP-PSA)
- Different piston configurations: stroke lenghts, phase angle and cycle shapes
- Fast cycles times up to 2 Hz
- Different starting pressures: 0.1 to 20 bar
- Different initial temperatures: 20 °C to 200 °C
Analysing the experimental pressure and temperature curves
- Test materials at fast cycles
- Analyse the mass and heat transfer kinetics
3. Carbon Capture and Storage interactive (CCSi)
- 6 step Skarstrom cycle
- One sided pressure equalisation (PE) and product purge
- HiSiv 3000 silicalite adsorbent from UOP
Optimisation of the cycle configuration
- Systematic study over various cycle parameters: adsorption time, vacuum pressure, purge rate, feed composition, ...
- Investigate influence on purity, recovery and energy consumption
4. Modular multi-bed PSA/VSA
- Up to six beds
- Single or multi-stage configuration
- Layered beds
- Variety of steps: light and heavy reflux, pressure equalisation, ...
Simulation with the unibed approach
- All columns cycle through the same steps
- Steps with interaction between two columns
- Output of one column is input of the other column
- Add a buffer unit for each interaction pair
- Data in buffer unit is half a cycle out of date
- Same result at CSS